Monday, July 25, 2011

More Summit Pictures!

Thanks Sharon jump (pictured here with me and April) for sending more pictures!

We had a PACKED schedule and sometimes I forgot to pick up the camera o if you took any photos at the event send them to and we'll add them to our posts!

We were all working on those
new style pink rose.

Some of us just jumped in and painted the standard Cabbage rose

Just finished Work Sheet pack which will be out next week to make this
project so much easier

Sharons table with great friends
met and Mark Taylor was the host
for this great table of talents...

New Roclon Projects and everyone
did such a great job.... need to see a better picture of the wall hanging

Okay look how Christain has grown,My first grandbaby and he was born on my birthday.... he is on the right of me.... see that height he is 12 now...and he new Great friend Tye what a great young man.... they made sure everyone got door prizes... and more

I love this photo of my 2 girls, Lexi who is soon to be 8 and her mommy you all have most likely spoken too Amanda my Middle daughter
and hard working Education director of Dewberry U ... Lexi loves to be around painters , mommy and me of course....

Marc my sweet heart, and Sharon, thanks for sharing the pictures with us Sharon
We all wore Mens shirts Painted of course for a shirt contest.... great painting smocks

Great group of ladies, Sandy in the middle with Asmina from Greece, New Dist. and Certifing Elite for Greece Sharon, and Charlie

Sharon and Christain

Mrs Pat B., Sharon J and
Sherrie C.

Happy girls!

Julie Motley Director from Washington We love you and glad your back.... You guys get a hold of her out west and keep her busy.
MarJean Krupp Director in Washington Look at that shirt
Sharon and MarJean love those shirts......Love Donna

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