Monday, August 24, 2009

Baltimore Painting Party at Kristin's house!

Well, I have to tell you, when I was putting together the NJ Workshops I really ran into problems. I had just started this Blog! So I needed help!, went on and said HELP! and guess what, we couldn't fill but one day in NJ, but Katie S. got together with me and offered to make it happen her and other OSCI's in the area said they would make it happen if I would do so in Baltimore and that Katie and her hubby Joe would drive me to Jersey so we could do both. She filled the workshop in about a week.....and then said she would love to launch Crafty Wave in her friends home the night before....

Well the two of them had 33 signed up in a home. We taught in many rooms of Kristins home Teachers brought their students with them and even helped me teach..... It was great........You have to find out more..... and try to attend one in your area...Check it out..

Love Donna