Saturday, September 25, 2010

One Stroke Certification ~ Certificates and Badges in the UK
It was a great honor to be able to present these talented artists with their certificates and badges for completing and passing Level 2 and/or HD Certifications in the UK taught by Mark Taylor.

Phyllis King, Eileen Clark, Joanne Taylor, Maria Sabilio, and Luca Sansone received their Level 2 Certificates and badges and Gaynor Spencer, Lorraine Cleary, Jill Stray and Luca Sansone received their HD Certificates and badges! Congratulations!

Have a great weekend! Love Donna

1 comment:

Mark Taylor said...

I just wanted to say how proud I am of my students and their achievements. They all worked really hard and learned so much. I have been blessed to have met so many wonderful and talented people. I also want to thank you all for believing in me and for the things you have in turn taught me - teaching has given me more than I ever thought possible.