Wednesday, December 22, 2010

OVERSIZED Canvas Course

3 Spots left.........Oversized Canvas Course

I'm so excited. We have a new classroom we have leased and we have room for 3 more sign ups
If you have thought about taking this class think about the learning that you have to have hands on.... So many of you who have asked me to put this on DVD it just wouldn't be the same learning experience. I'm excited to tell you that 3 of they students from last class are taking the course again. I get to help you paint your dream painting. You bring the picture you wish to paint. Were working on Floral of any kind. Over sized is the key.... I work with each of you to understand your painting layout.
We also help you figure out pricing and making income with your canvas art. I know of at least 2 of the women at the last class who went out and sold there art. The large butterfly was sold 3 times and other paintings which helped pay for all their classes expenses.
I would love to start out the new year teaching you in our new classroom for Dewberry U...sound fun... contact to sign up and ask details....
Check out the old posts for the pictures of the Oversizes canvas we did last Course.

Love Donna

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