Joann Hoffman hosted the workshops and what a sweetheart she is! Thanks for everything Joann! I so appreciate you and loved sharing time with you!
Me with Joann & Certifying Elite Director April Numamoto! So proud to announce too that April is our NEWEST OSCI Master ~ second in the country! (1st OSCI Master in the country - Sandy McTier)
She is truly amazing! Not only is she a fabulous artist, she is a beautiful giving person from the inside out and I'm honored to call her my friend! Love you April! April taught Joann and I taught April ~ what an amazing thing to be able to share with people - the joys and love of painting!!
On Saturday we painted these beautiful landscapes. Again, most people told me they were excited about them when they signed up but didn't realize how much they were going to learn - from where to start painting a landscape to the strokes we used to paint the foreground! They all loved it!
Loved this lady! She FILLED my heart with so much joy!!
I've been painting, writing, and working hard to get my big book of painting finished! I've sent everything to the editor and waiting for editing, finalizing and finishing the book so that it can be published and available later this year! I can't wait for you all to see the finished product ~ I am very proud of the work I put into it and I know you'll love it too!! I'll keep you posted on availability!
Looks like everyone had a fantastic time. I see lots of smiles on everyone's faces. Donna you bring such joy to all who are in your presence. I'm so looking forward to getting back into painting once again.
Love you and miss seeing you.
Karen Marshall, OSCI
What a fun and creative time!! I love that shirt you are wearing!
Looking forward to seeing your book Donna! I'll be getting it! I miss you on HSN. I've been watching your re-runs in the Chicago area.
Take care and STAY POSITIVE!
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