Monday, February 28, 2011

Happy Monday!

Wanted to share some really exciting things with you. I've taped some videos on two of my new recipe card sets and they are available to download now! Click on the lilies and roses below and it will take you to the site where you can download the video and paint along with me! Make sure to check out the other recipe cards I've done by clicking on the recipe card collection special below.
I'm loving the response to my new Livestock DVD and Worksheet Packet! I loved painting them and I know you will as well!! Click on the animals below to check it out on my website. We've also been joking that we need to come up with a name for the pig - he's just too cute and needs a name! Leave me a comment below with what name you think he should have!

I'm off to vegas this week with my friends Sandy and Lori to Creative Painting!!
I'm looking forward to teaching my class and seeing so many friends that I usually only get to see once a year at this event!

Have a blessed week!

1 comment:

jshelton said...

You should name the pig "Wilbur the Pig" or "Oscar the Pig", just saying....Julie Shelton