Saturday, September 25, 2010

My friend Lori and I spent two days at Sillyfarm learning the ins and outs of face and body painting - okay you can't learn it all in two days but it was fun learning from Heather and her family and friends! I took along some stuff to share with them - fabric painting and they LOVED it!
Here are some shots from our trip! Heather and everyone at Sillyfarm ~ thank you so much for an amazing time!! Look forward to the future!!

Click on the pictures to go over to my website and check out the amazing products we have for face and body painting!
Have a great weekend.

1 comment:

Vintage Porcelain Art By Amy Enright said...

Hello Donna, I just came across your post! How wonderful that you got to met Heather and everyone at Silly Farm! Marcella Murad is also a friend of mine. I taught for one of the FABIC Conventions a few years ago demonstrating, guess what? Flowers! Marcella also gave me the honor of publishing an artle of my work and an article about me in her magazine.
I have been facepainting for over 10 years, it is so much fun! It is also great to hear you are face painting because all these years I have used many of your techniques that I learned from your books! VERY useful for the speed necessary to paint on children. Let me take this oppurtunity to say Thank you!
I used to face and body paint full time, but now only part time to persue my other passions, porcelain painting and painting murals.